Saturday, August 2, 2008

I beguiled on account of the serpent

A little family drama unfolded last night when Jason announced there was a snake in the cupboard and retrieved my shotgun from the bedroom. To keep the peace I all out lied to Reno and said that daddy was mistaken and sent him to bed. After Reno was asleep and we searched each cupboard, he was found on top of the cupboards, about an 8 foot climb in all. We mistook him for a rattler, but quickly realized that he wasn't rattling and that it was a bull snake (not venomous). So we called for braver reinforcements and Travis and Tuey came to our aid. Travis got him down to the counter and Tuey--so brave-- grabbed him with kitchen tongs at one end and fencing pliers on the other. We put him in a bin and closed the lid. We planned to let him out down the road so he wouldn't find his way back into the house. And there is also the matter of snake proofing our home... how does one go about doing that little chore?

Well, I told Reno the truth today and the kids were fascinated with him-still in the bin and yeah he is ok. So I go to my bathroom to change my clothes (we had been to the temple all day) and there is a mouse on the bathroom counter. He climbs into a vase of flowers, which was his home it turns out, and you guessed it. We decided to bring a little Discovery Channel home to enjoy and gave him to the snake. No action yet, but we are hopeful. Regardless of life or death, we will return them both to nature tomorrow after church.

And as for the lie, he forgave me in his excitement over the reptile and I vow to be honest with my kids from here on out. In my defense, we had to get up at three this morning and I knew if he knew there was a snake in the house last night he would have ended up in my bed. But like I said. No excuses. From now on, honest with my fellow man and all that jazz.


kara said...

what a fun tale..sorry i haven't blogged..been slightly busy. doing nothing super exciting..just trying to get one step closer. perhaps i will blog promises. love.

lincolnHabels said...

That story gives me the creeps!! and a very interesting mental image of picking up a snake with tongs. I'm never leaving the city!! I'm too wimpy.

As for my hair. I am fully aware that long hair doesn't suit my face. It drags down my long face and makes it look even longer-kinda like a horse.
But Nate is a hair man. He love to comb it, and twirl it, and play with it. So I grew it out for him, so everytime I flip my hair over my shoulder it will whisper to him, "I love you, I love you."

Ahhh... so romantic.

Oh yah, I do think it's okay to lie to your kids sometimes. Well, good luck with your nature adventures. Did the snake ever get the mouse?

auntie said...

I heard about the snake tale as well. Glad to know my boy is brave and so well thought of. He does have some trouble with mouse traps, however. We've caught ten since last fall and it's getting a little creepy thinking of their tiny paws and random "leavings". I used to have an aversion to glue traps, but the killer instinct in me prevails. Especially for the smarter variety of mice that eat and run regardless. I am not running a restaurant for mice and their pals.