Tuesday, June 11, 2013

What is truth?

So the other day we were driving in a car that has a Sirius or something like it where it will tell you what song is playing. The song Like a Rock came on. I experienced some sort of matrix spin. What? That is a real song? I have been hearing this song all my life on the Chevy commercials- and I thought it was written just specifically for Chevy. I always thought the man singing it was just a little too into his trucks. My life just totally shifted and for a moment did not make sense. So I have moved forward. Armed with the knowledge that there is a man out there somewhere who is indeed as strong as he can be, and Chevrolet just happens to agree.

It is a little daunting to think that I may have other misconceptions-bigger ones, more important ones. But why worry about that I guess. Sufficient is the day.

I tell you that so I can tell you this.

Today Ava was reading to me, a book about wanting to be a mommy. She comes to the word -cowgirl. She sounds it out as the page before had ow as in know, and now this is ow as in cow. So she says the word right and stops. She says it again. And again. Then she covers her face with the book and says, " I always thought it was cal-girl." (cal rhymes with gal) Cal-girl. She said she had no idea it even had anything to do with cows. I saw her world spin, just as embarrassed and baffled as I had been a few days ago. She said, " So when you said cal-girl up, you were really saying cowgirl up?" I laughed with her as she said it a few more times.

But to think that my poor little girl has been told to calgirl up her whole life and she had no clue what she was supposed to do with that? She didn't even think it was related to cowboy, meaning the guy who rides horses, not cowboy up (for it was probably calboy as well). She literally thought they were just two different things.

Be honest... is this proof I shouldn't homeschool?

Ten points if you know who asked what is truth.