Wednesday, June 25, 2008

I will think twice before insulting my spouse

I told Jason what I wrote about him being a pansy and that I felt bad about saying it, and he said it wasn't a big deal. However, I have guilt. So to purge that feeling, I will tell you five things that I love about him and his very manly ways.
1. The man can finish concrete. If you have never seen this done by a professional, it takes a lot of strength and let me tell you...never mind, I'll tell him. Let me just say its a pretty sexy feat.
2. He is not afraid of heights. Is that not a big deal? I don't know; nearly every night I have a nightmare involving heights and they scare the crap outta me--please don't analyze my dreams, no Daniel wannabes opinion on why I fear heights.
3. He is best daddy to our children. Enough said.
4. He has no personal hobbies or plans--everything in his life includes his family.
5. He puts up with me, and furthermore, he loves me. You know me, that says it all.

I love you Jason.


Linds said...

I love you too Katie!! I hope it is ok that I read your blog!

kara said...

i appreciate the sentiment behind this blog..and your comments on my blog..but i have to tell you that those of us that know jason..know that he is a pansy and a man. all wrapped up into one..and he is an awesome father and husband to you and brother in law to me. love.

auntie said...

Still Fly by Big Tymer (or whatever it is) sounds like they stole a portion of the theme song from Gilligan's Island. I think you should consider removing it from your playlist and putting the actual theme song to Gilligan's Island on instead. I also think you should give Gene Kelly the credit he deserves for "Singin' in the Rain" instead of Frank. Much love.