Saturday, June 21, 2008

72-hour kit, anyone?

My husband is a pansy. For the reader's sake-hi honey-- I will clarify. He is a great provider and father, but he is a scared of nearly everything. If there is a noise outside, he checks on it while toting my shotgun. He will hardly go out to the truck to get things after dark, and if he has to he always asks me to go do it, if not then will I go with him, and then if not will I at least stand by the door and watch to make sure he is safe. Well his newest fear is the severe weather and the possibility it presents of tornadoes. Because this is his first season of actually living here nearly full time in three years, he is not taking it well. Twice we have had to flee our home because he deemed it unsafe. This hysteria, yes hysteria, has frightened my children to their core. I now pray with them several times a day that tornadoes won't get us, that storms will pass, that Heavenly Father won't let anything get us. If there are even dark clouds in the sky, I have to wipe the tears from Reno's face and promise him safety--is there such a thing anyway? Well I harbor a bit of resentment for his panic-induced introduction of this tangible fear of nature to my children. I really enjoy storms, but now brace myself for a night of terror each time I feel the wind change. I assure you not one single word in here is dramatized. I cannot wait until we have our tornado shelter installed, which should be in a few weeks. It will give them all a sense of security that for the kids has not come through prayer as easily as it has for Jason. When it is ready, I will move Jason and the kids down into it, and will watch each storm roll through in peace. Until then, I will continue to comfort those who stand in need of comfort.


kara said...

that makes me sad that your children think they are not safe. i remember being terrified of storms in my day, and so i can relate. tell jason to "calm it down crazy." love.

lincolnHabels said...

Ha-ha-ha. You write in such a clever manner. You always make me laugh. Look, husbands and wives are supposed to balance each other out. However, generally it's the wives that are instilling the hysteria. At least your kids are praying daily.

Jared's wedding sounded fun. I'm sure your kids were adorable. Did you teach them all their moves? I remeber you teaching me a 'texas' line dance to replace my 'lame' electric slide.

ps. I remeber, with fondness, that Courtney Love costume.