Sunday, August 2, 2009

We can't get no satisfaction

Reno, who has been in bed for over an hour, just told Jason that the reason he needed another snack was that he had been fasting all day. Not so much little man. But do you think there are people out there who want their kids to fast? I sure hope not. Another question. Does fasting still count when it is followed by gluttony? And really, how many Oreos are too many? Perhaps just leave your answers to yourself. Thanks.


auntie said...

Perhaps a glance at the serving size on the Oreo bag (times three perhaps) would let you know just how much is too much. I often make my children fast. But only according to some of them who have the bigger appetites. We miss you.

Emery said...

too many oreos doesn't really exist...i suppose maybe when you can't move comfortably away from the bag, you've gone overboard.