Saturday, August 29, 2009

I can't change who I am-but should we discuss it?

I am somewhat reticent concerning my familial matters when it comes to those outside the trust tree, as it were. So I am therefore hesitant to attend my ten year reunion which is taking place homecoming weekend. I live in the same town with many friends from HS, and abstain from furthering relationships with these individuals, as the differences in our lifestyles have become so great. It was the fourth child. Then the homeschool. No one can relate in that set. The nodding of the head when I answer 'Are you finished having children?' with 'No, not at all' coupled with the glazed look, then disgust when I follow up with 'No he isn't in kindergarten, he's homeschooled.' can be too much at times. And going, I feel would be subjecting myself to this deluge without a friendly or sympathetic face in sight. Unless Jason goes too, but really what fun would he have? We are talking small town kids here and these people are only biding their time until its late enough to get plastered-God love em. I sound a bit negative, however I will say that individually I love, or at least really like, these HS friends, and can dialogue about my life easily one on one. I just think I would freeze or worse-if my lifestyle became in any way a focus for discussion. I wonder if gay people have an easier time coming out. That is what I will be doing, if I go. I will come out as a mother of a large family, homeschooler, and Mormon to boot-they all know that but the reminder will add to my kookiness I'm sure. So I guess what I am saying, is that I am not sure I am ready to come out. But then again I am not ashamed. So where does that leave me. Comments appreciated.


Emery said...

not from as small a town as you, but i just went to my reunion...and they were similarly waiting to get plastered. BUT, regardless, I had a lovely time with the few that I cared to see and am glad I went in the end. Should you go? You were never one to take advice from me! :)

lincolnHabels said...

Go ahead and go with Jason. If it sucks, you can tell them you have to leave early to put your four kids to bed, prepare your homeschool lesson, and work on baby number five. I bet that would get a great reaction and forever solidify your reputation as a mormon freak.

Can you believe you met me almost exactly 10 years ago. I'm pretty sure you thought I was the mormon freak. ahhh. Memories.

auntie said...

Personally, I've never attended a class reunion, but that is because I never really enjoyed the whole high school experience or the people therein. I think if you are interested in the progress and lives of your classmates you should go, see, and be seen. Go and "fly your freak flag." Or rather, don't hide your light under a bushel, Kate. Otherwise, take the good advice of LincolnHables--put your four kids to bed, prepare your homeschool lesson, and work on baby number five.

jrwillden said...

I don't have any intentions on attending any high school reunion. Not even if I lived in the same town. I did enjoy the social circus of school but what is the point of a reunion? Gloat? Show off? See how so and so turned out? Tedious. I've been told I should go but the desire is gone, disappeared on June 10, 1995. I will agree with lincoln & auntie. Which is really no answer at all. I can agree either way. ;)

kara said...

i say that you should go..if only to see sadie..unless you were going to see her anyway. is she even going? and they are all freaks anyway..i mean really..i know them. but heck, i will probably go to mine. in seymour. not cali.