Thursday, March 11, 2010

I underestimate her sass

I was rereading my journal last night and came across this memory that made me laugh. I wanted to share it. It is a conversation that Ava had with me and the would-be friend that called her on her play cell phone.

Ava to me: "I am talking to a boy."
Ava to boy on phone: "Boy, what are you doing?"
pause. . .
Ava to boy on phone: "Oh leave me alone."

I say good girl.


kara said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! that is awesome. i also say good girl. oh that ava..and here i thought effie was the super sassy one!

Emery said...

oh how that makes me laugh. you're right. good girl. by the way, i had some cell phone drama and lost your phone number...will you email it to me? miss you!

melissa said...

That's our girl !!