Saturday, January 23, 2010

It's an uphill climb

Anyone who thought that being Primary President would be a nice break (that was me, I guess) was seriously mistaken. Five times that amount of work, worry, and stress. With RS, its all about trying to motivate sisters to be more, do more-blah blah blah, enough already. With Primary--so much responsibility-its children, with no filters, no tolerance, and the wiggles to boot. They watch your every move, back talk every thing you say, are already bored, and take those pauses where you are trying to collect your thoughts as license to leave their seats for greener pastures. Not that its all bad, not at all. Just much more legwork. And before, I had Jason's help (he is now the Branch President, and his time is far spent-what little remains goes to the children). Now, I spend every evening cutting, laminating, thinking, planning, learning, etc. This is just new; I promise I'm not complaining. Every phase of life is like this though-right? Aren't you all out there just as busy and burdened? Let us remember Steve when he said, "We'll get up her." I think I can do that.

1 comment:

kara said...

indeed. we will get up her. i know you can do it. and you don't have to do it all today. and He will make it happen. love.