Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Cleanliness is overrated

I put Reno in bath on Saturday. After I turned off the water he looked up at me and asked,
"Mama, do I have hip-hop today?"
"Well, do I have gymnastics?"
"Not today."
"Then what could be the reason that I have to take a bath?"
"Well, you have church tomorrow."
"Oh, yes. We have to bathe for church."

*His calculations are accurate; he really only bathes when he has to go somewhere. He used to be cleaner, but he has an aversion to bathing now. Two baths a week. Another unexpected consequence of homeschooling. Who'd have thought?


Emery said...

that makes me laugh. you're a champ for home schooling.

Emery said...

oh... and if i can get all 3 of my boys more than twice a week, i feel like a superstar

jrwillden said...

It's good to have a network of moms that can be honest about their kids (homeschooled or not)bathing habits. My children, as you know, attend public school and I somtimes wonder when they've last showered. Christmas break--maybe twice.

Good to see you back in the blogging world.

kara said...

i love that he was asking why he had to take a bath. its awesome.