All right. So I got all set to surprise Jason and Effie with Taylor Swift concert tickets- its a daddy/daughter thing, and the cheapest seats in Dallas are $130 each, all the way up to $1175. I have to say that I have a renewed respect for Miss Swift if people are paying that much to see the show. Needless to say, my money will be spent elsewhere, but am disappointed nonetheless. Which brings me to another point. I really don't understand much about socialism in action, but will shortly I suppose, and was wondering if under our new president's rule should we somehow be entitled to see concerts, sporting events, ballets, etc. at a sliding pay scale rate? Or perhaps with certain welfare-type concerts for those of us who can't afford tickets but are entitled as Americans to go? No? Perhaps I am off the deep end, but if they are going to take radio away from us, and everything else is going socialized, and if music will be too, someday in the future, I just wish it would be now so they could see her. Like I've said before though, down with the man.
*Also, green hair pic did not show enough green to make it worth the effort it takes to load it on the page.