Life after number four? I don't know yet because we haven't had an opportunity to have a normal schedule with my mom helping, and now his parents visiting. This I will say: thus far, its a nightmare, or at least a dream I'd like to wake up from. He has colic, and each day brings a change in his patterns. He is totally unpredictable. I have welcomed fatigue back into my life, a lost friend. I thought I was tired when I was pregnant, but having a newborn takes it to a new level--the bonus round perhaps. Once our visitors leave, we will resume our lives, however we will start our new unschooling program. This is exciting because it means learning while living, not so much me teaching lessons and lecturing and pressuring and then eventually me being frustrated and losing it, as has been witnessed in past homeschool attempts. So an all new approach. A new start. I have high hopes. I am also grateful to live in a state that will not regulate our efforts. Down with the man. Wish us luck.